Friday, May 1, 2009

Already Gone

The Avalanche has moved to a bigger and better place; Tumblr :)


For Tomorrow,

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

Excitement Builds! A Shoot Is Coming...

So, things have been pretty crazy since I wrote last.

I made a personal goal to get published this year for Fashion Photography, which means cutting down on Wedding Photography this season. It's meant less money, but more time for detailed planning to make sure each shoot turns out as amazing as possible. My next shoot is February 2nd, and i have some amazing talent on board.

Vanessa with Nuclear Anatomy for makeup and hair, my good friend Sean Nana to assist, Viridianna Garcia (designer) making me bathing suits, and a secret element I'm not going to divulge here. No creativity jackers please. :)

Last but not least, my lovely model, Elizabeth. We met in person today and now I'm more excited than ever. She's gorgeous!

Keep an eye here for more shoot details and images. It's only days away!

For Tomorrow,

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Helloooo 2009

Hello resolutions :)

1.) Learn an instrument and become fluent (guitar, hopefully piano as well)
2.) Shoot at least one editorial style shoot a month
3.) Get published!
4.) Enjoy the beach this year :)
5.) Resume drawing and complete at least on work ( it sounds small, but trust me. I get distracted...)
6.) Get Fit (of course)
7.) Get a little more action. Yes, action.

I hope to accomplish all this and more in 2009, and I'll keep you posted on my progress :)

For Tomorrow,

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Night Visions

What a strange concept dreams are. Wait.... what a strange reality dreams are.

I don't think anyone will ever be able to explain why when people close their eyes they see things and people they may have never seen or met, and do things they never thought possible. Whether you fly when you jump off the ground, witness death, lose a tooth, breathe underwater, or drown, its an experience, real or not. And fascinating and scary and completely unexplainable....

I don't understand how someone can manifest scenarios and people and situations and not be a visionary or a creator. I don't think dreams are something to be taken lightly or dismissed. They're amazing.

Random thoughts on a Thursday night before some extensive photo editing...

For Tomorrow,

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Lack of Originality is Fun

So while browsing through Apple's website I came across Maroon 5's new album cover ****DISCLAIMER*** I am not a fan of Maroon 5. Now that that's out of the way, here's the cover:

Which oddly looks an AWFUL LOT like The Rapture's "Echoes" Album cover from 2003......

......... Creativity, anyone?

For Tomorrow,

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Untitled Shoot w/ Kurt

Originally uploaded by blackboxxphoto
So, one major benefit in working at Apple is the plentiful selection of people to photograph. My friend Kurt is tall, skinny as they come, and clothes fit him like a dream. So he consented to shoot with me... and it went horribly wrong.

I have chosen to shoot film for my personal projects; I took the Yashica 635 and the F100. The Yashica images came out beautifully; HOWEVER, I had previously pushed a roll of film to 3200 at a wedding sometime before and forgot to change the settings back on the F100. Needless to say, all the F100 shots turned out to be completely useless, as they were all either 100 ISO or 400 ISO shots. Not nearly enough light was allowed it.

Both heartbroken and broken-spirited, we attempted to reshoot- and did so successfully. :)

Click the image below to view the full set; enjoy!

For Tomorrow, Sade