What a strange concept dreams are. Wait.... what a strange reality dreams are.
I don't think anyone will ever be able to explain why when people close their eyes they see things and people they may have never seen or met, and do things they never thought possible. Whether you fly when you jump off the ground, witness death, lose a tooth, breathe underwater, or drown, its an experience, real or not. And fascinating and scary and completely unexplainable....
I don't understand how someone can manifest scenarios and people and situations and not be a visionary or a creator. I don't think dreams are something to be taken lightly or dismissed. They're amazing.
Random thoughts on a Thursday night before some extensive photo editing...
For Tomorrow,
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Lack of Originality is Fun
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The Untitled Shoot w/ Kurt
So, one major benefit in working at Apple is the plentiful selection of people to photograph. My friend Kurt is tall, skinny as they come, and clothes fit him like a dream. So he consented to shoot with me... and it went horribly wrong.
I have chosen to shoot film for my personal projects; I took the Yashica 635 and the F100. The Yashica images came out beautifully; HOWEVER, I had previously pushed a roll of film to 3200 at a wedding sometime before and forgot to change the settings back on the F100. Needless to say, all the F100 shots turned out to be completely useless, as they were all either 100 ISO or 400 ISO shots. Not nearly enough light was allowed it.
Both heartbroken and broken-spirited, we attempted to reshoot- and did so successfully. :)
Click the image below to view the full set; enjoy!
For Tomorrow, Sade
I have chosen to shoot film for my personal projects; I took the Yashica 635 and the F100. The Yashica images came out beautifully; HOWEVER, I had previously pushed a roll of film to 3200 at a wedding sometime before and forgot to change the settings back on the F100. Needless to say, all the F100 shots turned out to be completely useless, as they were all either 100 ISO or 400 ISO shots. Not nearly enough light was allowed it.
Both heartbroken and broken-spirited, we attempted to reshoot- and did so successfully. :)
Click the image below to view the full set; enjoy!
For Tomorrow, Sade
Monday, October 27, 2008
The Confession.
I've been told that admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery... So here goes.....
My name is Sade, and I am addicted to Thai food. I can't get enough of it. Whether it's ritzy Thai downtown, or dirty hole-in-the-wall Thai. I have to have it. And it's not hot enough unless it puts sweat on my brow. Thai Chili House in Northridge only makes things harder.
That being said, this place was a treasure. I was in town for a wedding when I saw the word Thai and screeched into the parking lot. I snuck a peek at yelp and saw that more than a few good things had been said. Lucky me :)
I had the red curry with shrimp and a bowl of chicken tom yum, 2 staple dishes I always use to test the waters of a new Thai joint, and this place passed with flying colors. The food had the perfect amount of heat (which for me is about a level 8) without me even having to request it. Well done.
If for whatever reason I am ever forced to drive that far north again, I will reward myself with another meal here. :)
P.S. The homeade coconut ice cream is a dream.
My name is Sade, and I am addicted to Thai food. I can't get enough of it. Whether it's ritzy Thai downtown, or dirty hole-in-the-wall Thai. I have to have it. And it's not hot enough unless it puts sweat on my brow. Thai Chili House in Northridge only makes things harder.
That being said, this place was a treasure. I was in town for a wedding when I saw the word Thai and screeched into the parking lot. I snuck a peek at yelp and saw that more than a few good things had been said. Lucky me :)
I had the red curry with shrimp and a bowl of chicken tom yum, 2 staple dishes I always use to test the waters of a new Thai joint, and this place passed with flying colors. The food had the perfect amount of heat (which for me is about a level 8) without me even having to request it. Well done.
If for whatever reason I am ever forced to drive that far north again, I will reward myself with another meal here. :)
P.S. The homeade coconut ice cream is a dream.
18110 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91325
For Tomorrow,
New Tunez...Ai Has Them.
So, I recently succeeded in getting Peter (and myself) hooked on a pretty kewl band, Tokyo Police Club. Think of them as Strokes meets Bloc Party's first CD. I REPEAT, BP's first CD. The second one was so terrible it combusted in my CD player. I kid you not.
Save yourself and listen!
For Tomorrow,
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Something Really Shitty.
I hate to break the month-long silence, but I've got some crapppy news if there ever was any.
So I woke for work late, only to find that I COULDN'T find my car. Lucky for me, it was safely impounded by the City of San Diego for unpaid parking tickets. I'm not going to tell you how much I owe, so that I can keep your sympathy. Lets just say I owe A LOT.
That, combined with the cost of towing and day to day storage at the facility, I'll be under by $1300 or so by the time I get it out. Ah, life. How I love thee. Ah, The City of San Diego, how I long to bludgeon thee.
For Tomorrow,
Sunday, September 7, 2008
The Awakening....
Looking at Yelp has reawakened the BEAST that is my belly. The ASC and I have a dinner date this Thursday at Urban Solace. A secondary review is coming soon. :)
Aaaaand i will take the liberty of posting long lost food reviews from past months.
Stay tuned!
For Tomorrow,
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I'm Not The Only One...
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Oh DS. We Were MADE For Each Other.

And oh how justified this statement is.
So after Pete and I moved into our little place, I made a solid resolution for myself: Get a Nintendo DS. Heck, if we dont have a washer/dryer unit in our place anymore and I have to do laundry, I'll be DAMNED if I don't have a gadget to help me pass the time.
So a couple months passed, and no DS had been bought. Then one day I checked my email. Nothing new. Until I looked in my junk mail...
In it was an email from a company called Brand About Town, asking for Brand Enthusiasts to spread the word about the Nintendo DS. In return i would get a free Nintendo DS, as well as Nintendo products for a year.
You have GOT to be kidding me. This was either the worst attempt at a scam I had EVER seen, or it's an email sent from heaven above. Seriously.
Curiosity killed the cat; but it made Sade email a response.
The next day i received a response back; Brand About town REALLY WAS a company in LA, hired by Nintendo to spread the word about the DS to women, a demographic that, obviously, unless they've got a gamer boyfriend (cough cough), isnt very likely to have an interest in these sort of fabulous things. And I wasn't the first; I was able so peek at a blog from another girl who was asked to be a brand enthusiast. It couldn't be fake. I jumped at the chance.
The catch? Host a party. Invite up to 30 guests (ALL females), and play the Nintendo DS for a couple hours. In return, everyone who attends gets a free DS to take home. WHAAAAAT?? If you can call that a catch??? I felt like the luckiest girl on the planet.
But now the real task was at hand. 30 girls? Do i know 30 girls?
But ah ha..... I forgot the best source of all. APPLE.
Apple is crawling with cool, computer and electronic savvy females, all of which I knew well enough to invite. I thought the list would fill up in no time. ut suprisingly, I had to convince a lot of girls, which I found odd. 2 girls I invited blatantly said they hated video games and werent interested. ARE YOU KIDDING? This is Nintendo, the original! And you dont want a free DS? Are you on crack?!? I hope so.
And on top of this I had to beat the hundreds of boys at Apple off with a stick. Each and every one either opted to do one (or all) of the following:
1.) Dress in drag and take on a more feminine version of their name. How unoriginal.
2.) Send their girlfriend/ wife/ friend/ relative
3.) Crash the party hahaha
A week later I had it. A guest list of 30...and growing?? Once word got out everyone wanted to come. It was insane! But my biggest concern was secret: what if the big night came and we were greeted with a huge "SIKE!", or were given directions to an abandoned warehouse? Who knew. The entire time it sounded too good to be true.
Until one morning, a few days before the party, a package arrived. For me? How nice. What is it.

2 days (and 3 Gamestops) later, I had 5 games. I couldn't (and still can't) put this thing down, but not in a gross, obsessed World of Warcraft obsessed way. Puzzles, riddles, crosswords, word searches, Soduku, strategy games... all in the palm of my hand. It was more awesome than even I thought it would be.

Yeah, I know. I felt like a flipping celebrity. Host mode kicked in right away.
Upon entering, each girl was greeted at the door by a hostess and given a gorgeous (and heavy!) Gold Charm Baracelet. Our mission for the evening: Enjoy the fabulous drinks and appetizers, and play each DS game: MarioKart, Guitar Hero, Crosswords, and BrainAge 2. After completing each game, you would receive a charm representative of that game. Once all games had been played, each girl would be rewarded with a fabulous gift: a free DS.
Needless to say, everyone was up for the challenge, no questions asked. :)
I kicked butt on MarioKart (as usual...ahem), and rocked out on Guitar Hero for DS with the ladies (probably the coolest game there).
After about 2 hours of fun, the night was over. EVERY girl left with a free DS and a copy of Brain Age 2. It was so awesome it didnt even feel real.
Ever since then, all of us at work carry our DS's in our purses, hahahah! I dont go anywhere without mine. ;) And I already have a list of the games I intend to own in the future.
Thank you Nintendo, thank you Brand About Town, for making a night none of us will ever forget. It was absolutely unbelievable!
For Tomorrow,
The Other Woman.
The sheer cuteness is almost infuriating. The fact that it has taken me so long to introduce Julian just makes me mad.

So i did it. $20 bucks and an hour and a half later i had her, thanks to an ad on Craigslist. And BY GOD they don't get much cuter than this. I am still trying to get her to realize her name is Julian; if I could JUST STOP CALLING HER SNUGGLEBUN.
The answer was yes. She's Pete's little girl and Sammy's little cohort. But even after just a month she's not so little anymore. But she's so lovely. :)

And she and Sammy are such freaking BFF's it's not even funny. They might as well live here by themselves.
Now, I'm no newbie to kitties. I've owned cats my whole life. But the main man of the house (besides Pete) is Sammy. My handsome, orange boy. And so photogenic, no?

She'll get bigger. And badder. And go into heat GOD I'm not excited for that. But until then she's the other woman. Which is just fine.
Little badass.
For Tomorrow,
All Grown Up.
Awwww. Black Boxx Photo officially has it's own photo bog. Isn't that something. :)
THAT'S where you'll want to go to see the latest photography, Wedding, Fashion or otherwise, by yours truly. :) Enjoy!
For Tomorrow,
Baby Got Back
I mean.. Baby IS back. That's what I meant.
So, it's been a while...too long. And so much has happened. New kitten, new nephew, new music, new pictures, new restaurants, new Nintendo DS (!!!!!), new new new. So new it will blow your shirt off.
Time to play catch up!
For Tomorrow,
Friday, June 27, 2008
Where Have I Been?
I have been absent. Mentally. Since the robbery, it's been a week and a half of.... wait, I can't remember. Was I a zombie? I didn't realize an incident like being robbed could put such a halt on everything: creativity, social life, running my business, etc.
Well, the good news is, for whatever reason, last night the creative spark was relit and I'm back in action. Woot
And tonight I get to see Wall-E! Yeeeeeeehaw
Friday, June 20, 2008
It Doesn't Happen Often.....
But occasionally life can suck. Take last Saturday for instance.
Between 12:30 and 12:45 pm me and Pete's apartment was robbed in Golden Hill. Whats worse is that I was home, and there was such a small amount of time for someone to take things, I am sure it was someone local who was watching us.
I was getting ready to leave for work; I left a backpack and my purse on a chair in the living room preparing to leave. As I went to handle laundry and gpo to the bathroom, someone slipped in and took the items along with my boyfriends camera. Literally, they had to have been waiting for me to become distracted. Our place is very small and it would have been hard to come in unnoticed.
The following items were stolen:
Nikon D300 digital camera
- Serial #3014174
-LARGE black camera
-4GB card inside; MAY still be images on the camera
-50 mm 1.8 lens
BURTON Black backpack
-LARGE backpack
-2 external hardrives were inside. One drive specifically is black & orange and glows when in use.
Volcom Black Purse
-Contains wallet w/ credit cards, ID, etc
-Contains an inhaler (i have asthma)
-Contains a small silver cell phone; nothing fancy. If there is a text in the inbox saying "this phone is stolen" call the number the text came from. I sent it.
If anyone you know/ seen has come in posession of any of these items within the last 24 hours, please contact me at 858-208-7088, or email photowise885@gmail.com.
Between 12:30 and 12:45 pm me and Pete's apartment was robbed in Golden Hill. Whats worse is that I was home, and there was such a small amount of time for someone to take things, I am sure it was someone local who was watching us.
I was getting ready to leave for work; I left a backpack and my purse on a chair in the living room preparing to leave. As I went to handle laundry and gpo to the bathroom, someone slipped in and took the items along with my boyfriends camera. Literally, they had to have been waiting for me to become distracted. Our place is very small and it would have been hard to come in unnoticed.
The following items were stolen:
Nikon D300 digital camera
- Serial #3014174
-LARGE black camera
-4GB card inside; MAY still be images on the camera
-50 mm 1.8 lens
BURTON Black backpack
-LARGE backpack
-2 external hardrives were inside. One drive specifically is black & orange and glows when in use.
Volcom Black Purse
-Contains wallet w/ credit cards, ID, etc
-Contains an inhaler (i have asthma)
-Contains a small silver cell phone; nothing fancy. If there is a text in the inbox saying "this phone is stolen" call the number the text came from. I sent it.
If anyone you know/ seen has come in posession of any of these items within the last 24 hours, please contact me at 858-208-7088, or email photowise885@gmail.com.
We've done our part; police report, our OWN investigating, cruising around town to get any kind of lead or witness. Hitting up the pawn shops and letting them know what was jacked. Everything you could think of; definitely as much if not more than the investigator assigned to the case....
The ultimate shitiness of the whole deal is : Pete's camera. I already have a new purse, bank cards, ID, etc. But that camera was Pete's heart and - dare i say it - SOUL. It's hard to see the person you love say that they are going to give up their passion because of a stranger's selfishness and disregard for his fellow man. At this point, I don't care if the thief drops the thing on the doorstep in the middle of the night. I want to find out who did this and beat them to a pulp. Asshole, wherever you are.
The ultimate shitiness of the whole deal is : Pete's camera. I already have a new purse, bank cards, ID, etc. But that camera was Pete's heart and - dare i say it - SOUL. It's hard to see the person you love say that they are going to give up their passion because of a stranger's selfishness and disregard for his fellow man. At this point, I don't care if the thief drops the thing on the doorstep in the middle of the night. I want to find out who did this and beat them to a pulp. Asshole, wherever you are.
In the meantime, ANYONE who sympathizes and/ or admires Pete's work, I encourage you to check out his site, and donate if at all possible. I have no expectations; only hope. Poor guy. There's honestly no other thing in this world that means more to him then his photography. It's a pretty tough deal.
Donations of $20 or greater will receive a 13" x 19" print of any image in Pete's portfolio.
Thanks for reading this post. There's plenty of entertaining good news to blog as well, but we have to air the grievances first.
For Tomorrow,
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Super What?!?
SUPER Cocina. Only the tastiest Mexican Food I think I've had EVER. This place isn't your typical 'round the corner Mexican food. Nor is it your normal sit down. It's more like a few vastly talented Hispanic mothers gathered and brought their best homemade dishes to the WORLD. And by GOD I'm glad they did.
You're welcomed by a smell and warmth that comforts you immediately...and makes you a hungry beast. At least I felt like a hungry beast......
It's set up like a buffet from which the cook serves you. She was sooooo kind and took the time to explain what every dish contained. She even offered us a sample of each one. From Mole to Pesole to Carnitas, it was a lovely feast or the eyes and for my belly. :)
I chose the Spicy Pork......
with a bowl of Pesole.
No regrets. NONE.
Pete had the Spicy Pork in Roasted Chili Sauce and Carnitas. God this was good....
Go. It's delicious, and I want to go back, even as I'm typing. It's delicious, authentic, Mexican comfort food at it's finest. They even had a Yelp sticker in the window! Yaay
3627 University Ave
(between 36th St & Cherokee Ave)
San Diego, CA 92104
(between 36th St & Cherokee Ave)
San Diego, CA 92104
For Tomorrow,
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Saturday, May 3, 2008
The Apple Supper Club
So, recent wonderful changes have made life pretty amazing.

First off, I started working at Apple, which excites me.

Secondly, Apple is full of creative, cool types, some of which happen to love food just as much as I do. WOW
Lastly, this series of events has birthed the Apple Supper Club. I will attempt to gather as many Apple folks as I can bi-monthly and eat something delicious. Preferably after payday so no one is hurtin'.
Let's see how this goes. :)
For Tomorrow,
Friday, May 2, 2008
Government Killed the Teriyaki Bowl.
This blog is special. No pictures. Only words. Angry words about crappy food and how the government directly contributed to the single WORST dining experience I've ever had. All restaurant names have been changed to protect the crappy cuisine.
So Pete and I recently moved near Downtown, which is cool because now we're within walking distance of supposedly good eatin'. It was a warm night so we decided to go for a walk and grab some food while wandering.
ORIGINALLY we were feeling for mexican. Believe it or not I am STILL craving mexican seafood, even after my debacle last month. Unfortunately someone didnt tell Nameless Mexican Restaurant thats it's the effing 21st century, and, beleive it or not, accepting Visa is GOOD for your business. Cash on hand, like most paper, is kinda old school. AND I hate paying ATM fees.
So, Visa in hand, we continued to scout for somewhere tasty, and not 2 blocks down did we discover a Sushi Restaurant... Nameless Japanese and Sushi. Why not? I could do with a little tuna, and Pete was down for some Teriyaki chicken.... FROM HELL
So we take a seat. The place smelled a little strange, but that's alright.... or not. And the pricing GOOD GOD how much do you think you can get away with charging 5 dollars for a spicy tuna roll. UNLESS it's loaded. I ordered the Tempura Udon and a spicy tuna roll. Pete went with the - you guessed it - Teriyaki Chicken.
Time passes, and my Spicy Tuna handroll shows up. The dinkiest shit I've ever seen. Ironically next to my plate was a picture of a spicy tuna roll and how it SHOULD look. No resemblance. No spice either. Weaaaak. And this was a dreadful moment, mainly because the fact that they effed up a simple handroll indicates that my Udon is pretty much going to suck.
Pete gets his Teriyaki - I'm sorry, ONION chicken.
For 10 dollars, we paid for a little scoop of chicken covered in onions. They didnt even try to add some color, carrots, cabbage??? Nuthin. Onion. And a sneeze of chicken.
Disappointment brewing, we awaited my Udon. Yup, no need to go into serious detail, other than by Shrimp Tempura Udon, they mean one piece of shrimp and 2 large pieces of yam. Why am I paying 9 bucks for this again??
We hardly touched our food, and the idea of paying 30 dollars for crap was angering me soooo much I could have lost it. Luckily Pete said something first. Specifically, "This was the worst meal I have ever had in my life". Well done, Pete, well done.
What followed can only be described as a 30 minute explanation of how, due to the rise in the price of everything from carrots to deliveries to rent, they can't afford to serve good food. The lady was on the verge of tears saying that iof she gave me ore sushi in my handroll, she couldnt afford to keep her doors open. I explained to her that Downtown has a reputation and thats what we were expecting. Her situation is understandable, but it's terrible food, not shelling out more tuna, that's going to close her doors. It was a sad deal.
We ended the night not having to pay for our meal, but after the whole conversation, I felt like they needed it. But oh well. I sypathize, but I will never walk into Nameless Japanese Sushi Restaurant ever again.
I am no longer going to watermark my pictures on here, so please don't steal them. Hell is a hot place. Thanks.
For Tomorrow,
Monday, April 28, 2008
Korean Love and Shaved Ice Dreams
Sounds very naughty, but its not. It's been waaaay too long; I'm 3 restaurants and a million words behind, so lets get this bad boy goin'....

Originally, we were going to check out Korea House, but Yelp gave Friend's House Korean MUUUCH better reviews. So Friend's House it was. :)

San Diego, CA 92111
So about 2 weeks ago my friends Ryan and Krislen met up with me and Pete at Friend's House Korean on Convoy.

While waiting for Krislen & Ryan, I noticed to men eating the same dish off to my right. It seemed like it took them a while to eat it, but they definitely enjoyed it..... something in a big black stone bowl?? I was curious....

It was described on the menu as rice mash with beef, egg and vegetables (called Dol-sot Bibim Bap).... sounded safe (I wanted to share with Pete...picky boy). Needless to say, it was hot, delicious, and yes, safe for any picky eater.

Ryan ordered Seafood Fried Rice (Kimchi Bok Um Bap), while Krislen ordered The Spicy rice cake (Mandu Gook) .
They had some damn tasty appetizers to start us off......

And soon the food arrived.
EVERYTHING was delicious. You can probably tell seeing as to how I almost forgot to take pictures. Everything is half eaten hahah
I ended up trading Ryan for his Seafood rice.....I'll kill for seafood and there was a little shrimp staring me in the face...I had to eat it.

I give Friend's House a 4 out of 5. Sorry for the vague review; this was almost 3 weeks ago. But trust me, IT WAS GOOD.
4647 Convoy St
San Diego, CA 92111
San Diego, CA 92111
Krislen said she was craving Korean shaved ice (I can't remember the term for it...) and she asked our waitress where we could get some. She said we could just go next door to Cafe Venti... how convenient. :)

Cafe Venti is a beautifully decorated cafe..... they offer yogurt, teas, drinks, and apparently, REAL Korean shaved Ice. I SWEAR to you, if you have never had it before, you're missing out on something truly great. I'm just going to post the pictures.

First of all, its the freshest, most refreshing thing I have had in God knows how long, ESPECIALLY since i went gelato crazy. Its shaved ice saturated in diluted condensed milk, and covered in fresh seasonal fruit. The REGULAR size was a bowl about the size of a personal pizza... plenty for 2.
Cafe Venti gets a 5 out of 5, hands down. Gorgeous decor, beautiful presentation, delicious shaved ice. Mmmmmmm.

Go. Now. If you're not headed there already. ;)
4681 Convoy St
Ste ASan Diego, CA 92111
For Tomorrow,
cafe venti,
friend's house korean,
san diego,
shaved ice
Friday, April 11, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Urban Solace...Checkin' Out the Buzz
After sitting in the house eating cup-noodles and doritos, I lost it and went to Urban Solace. :)

My friend Scott and I met up to give it a whirl. He has eaten there previously and raves about their celery mash; I just keep reading blogs and reviews on the place and figured it was due time to try it myself.

I'm a T-Shirt and jeans type of girl, which this atmosphere ISN'T, by the way. It's a bit higher scale; good thing I actually had a blouse on....Uppity as it may seem, it's the perfect atmosphere for chatting, and the decor is beautiful.
We decided to order something hearty, and Scott was after the Braised Beef and Celery Mash he had before. However, their menu had changed and Scott mentioned that he only recognized a few of the entrees.
Note this: if you like an entree, let them know. If not, it could easily disappear. I asked the waiter how often they changed the menu. He wasn't sure. He said seasonal entrees come and go, but couldn't give us a straight answer for why Scott's favorite dish was gone.
Anyways, we decided to stick with red meat and we both ordered the Grilled Hanger Steak (I got a little cheese biscuit on the side <3).
After a small wait, our meal was brought to us. BEAUTIFUL Presentation! I couldn't wait to get into it!

As beautiful as it looked, with it's spinach and caramelized onion topping, and it's tasty mashed potato pairing, this dish needed A LOT of salt.
It was beautiful, but bland without it. They included this cute little salt and pepper dish pair, so that you could pinch up the spices and sprinkle it on your food, but I had to add salt 3 times. :(

The homemade steaksauce had a brown sugar sweetness to it as well; I was expecting something tangy along the lines of.....you know....STEAK SAUCE.
Scott made a good comment: there were a good variety of tastes in the dish, great presentation, great ingredients, but it tasted boring. What you see is what you get.
I guess I am a little biased; rarely do I EVER eat American Cuisine. Actually, I NEVER eat out at an American restaurant. I always crave thai, japanese, mexican, etc. That being said, I think I will have to come back and try another dish. I walked by in the afternoon and saaw a lunch special of theirs that caught my eye: Battered fish and sweet potato fries. Mmmmmm...next time.
On a positive note, the meat was everything red meat should be: cooked to perfection, juicy and FILLING. I don't know why I ordered dessert after eating the dish. I was full to the brim. Ugh. I would have enjoyed the dessert more on an empty stomach.

Scott made the wise choice and topped dinner off with a cup of tea. THIS was a high point: they serve Harney & Sons teas, wich is one of my absolute FAVORITE brands of tea. They have a tea called Bangkok, which is a green tea with coconut and lemongrass. It tastes even better than it sounds. <3
Scott opted for a cup of green; I tried the Peanut Butter & Chocolate Creme Brulee. Oh lord, how I love Peanut Butter & Chocolate....MILK chocolate. The chocolate in the dessert was of the dark variety, and the bitterness of the creme brulee topping wasn't helping me at all. I'm not much of a fan...It was alright.
Overall, I give it 3 out of 5. I'm sure that could easily change with the choice of a different dish. It was worth a try, and I will try again soon. :)
Urban Solace
3823 30th Street
San Diego, CA 92104
For Tomorrow,
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Monday, April 7, 2008
The Quest For Mex.....
So I am sitting here, full, but COMPLETELY dissatisfied. Where to begin....

So, I had some errands to run around SD today, with the anterior motive of finding somewhere absolutely delicious to eat. Last night before bed, I was browsing Alice Q. Foodie's blog when I came across this picture sent from HEAVEN

I would have dreamed about this shrimp if I could. But I had plans to actually eat it today. GOD, the thought of shrimp like that...
Anyways, so I hit the town, sure I'd pass a Mexican Seafood restaurant at SOME point. It's strange how Mexican food runs rampant when you aren't looking for it, but when you ARE it seems like they all skipped town....figures...
After 3 hrs of errands, I hit up India Street for El Indio. I had yet to try this place but was hopeful that they'd have some tasty shrimp inside.... NOPE. NO SEAFOOD. FOR CHRISTS SAKE ALL I WANT IS SOME SHRIMP THAT I SAW ON THE FOODIE WEBSITE WHYYYYYYYY. And if I had read the reviews on it beforehand, disappointment could have been easily avoided. COME ON it says "World's Best Chips & Salsa" on the front for Christ's sake!!! You can't have shrimp??!?!?
On a whim I crossed the street and went to Saffron. At this point, I'm a little delirious with hunger. I figure a good, rich curry will serve as a solid substitute for flavorful, mexican shrimp (yeah, that comparison doesn't make any sense now...but it did at the time). I think i just wanted to be bombarded by spices and flavor.....I guess.
So anyways, THEY DONT HAVE ANY SHRIMP DISHES other than some Pad Thai and soup. NO SHRIMP CURRY. lame. But, they DID have a Panang Salmon dish....sounds amazingly delicious, no?

It wasn't.
Now, I make Panang at home and know that the secret to amazing Panang is time. You've got to wok that spice paste shit and let it simmer in coconut milk for almost 10 minutes to get DECENT Panang. And I'll WAIT for good food. So you can imagine my concern when I got my dish in 3 minutes flat.....
Ugh, it was flavorless in comparison to the Panang I've had. The sauce hadn't been mingled nearly long enough. It was grainy and kinda tasteless, so I'm kinda mad and i feel kinda crazy and I really want my 10 bucks back....
And it kinda would've been smart to actually see where Alice got that tasty shrimp.... looking now it was at Mariscos German in Logan Heights, where i wasn't even ANYWHERE remotely close to, so I guess today's eating expedition was destined to fail. Damn you Saffron!!
On a happier note, Saffron's Drunken Noodles are to die for. :)
For Tomorrow,
Monday, March 31, 2008
Why is it SO HARD to communicate?
Why is there such a big gap between thoughts and speaking? Everything makes sense in my head, but when I say it, I feel stupid. immature. nagging.
What am I supposed to do?
Saturday, March 29, 2008
OOh! A blog!
This is exciting! And it's about damned time.
A blog! Properly titled the Avalanche. I have constant, creative, confusing, challenging, simple, random things to say that I more often than not keep to myself; soooooo it's time to type. Stay tuned.
For Tomorrow,
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