The sheer cuteness is almost infuriating. The fact that it has taken me so long to introduce Julian just makes me mad.

So i did it. $20 bucks and an hour and a half later i had her, thanks to an ad on Craigslist. And BY GOD they don't get much cuter than this. I am still trying to get her to realize her name is Julian; if I could JUST STOP CALLING HER SNUGGLEBUN.
The answer was yes. She's Pete's little girl and Sammy's little cohort. But even after just a month she's not so little anymore. But she's so lovely. :)

And she and Sammy are such freaking BFF's it's not even funny. They might as well live here by themselves.
Now, I'm no newbie to kitties. I've owned cats my whole life. But the main man of the house (besides Pete) is Sammy. My handsome, orange boy. And so photogenic, no?

She'll get bigger. And badder. And go into heat GOD I'm not excited for that. But until then she's the other woman. Which is just fine.
Little badass.
For Tomorrow,
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